The only Lonely Fairy is written in large colourful text. A sad looking girl with droopy fairy wings, a toy frog and pink cowboy boots has a wand but it is hanging down. SHe has pink skin and curly brown hair, a yellow t-shirt and blue shorts overalls with a rainbow heart applique on the chest.

The cover of the picture book, Percy's perfect Friend written by Lana Button, Illustrated by Peggy Collins. Two children on the cover, a girl with brown skin and black hair is dressed in a fancy yellow-orange gown and a teal feather boa. She is holding a red polka dotted teapot and a pink tea cup. The young boy has peach skin and brown curly hair, he is wearing light blue striped overalls and a red and white striped tshirt. He has red, round glasses and is holding a pink, stuffy behind his back

Written by Bahram Rahman and published by Pajama Press Book cover shows a young Afghani girl in a pink and red tunic and white chador painting the sky blue with a paintbrush. There is a pink cherry tree in the background and a bench she has built and is painting in the foreground. Burgundy American Library Association Schneider family honour book award sticker on front.